Intervention Orders
Our lawyers give advice and appear for Young Persons (under 18) and Adults (18+) who have Family Violence Intervention Order matters or Personal Safety Intervention Order matters;
We will:
Give you advice on how to apply for a Family Violence Intervention Orders (between family members) or how to apply for a Personal Safety Intervention Order (neighbours/ friends/ other students)
Give you advice about whether you are likely to be successful in applying for or responding to an Intervention Order
Appear for you at Court when you have applied for a Family Violence Intervention Order or Personal Safety Intervention Order
Give you advice and appear for you when Victoria Police or a family member has taken either a Family Violence Safety Notice or a Family Violence Intervention Order taken against you
Give you advice and appear for you when Victoria police or any other person has taken a Personal Safety Intervention Order against you
Prepare your Further and Better Particulars or other documents needed in your case
Refer you to any other service that could assist you with social needs (eg doctors, drug services)